D5 ranges is a showcase range and retail store!! The range is now open and ready to rock and roll, stop by at 131 east prairie st, Marengo IL and check out our beautiful store and range! We guarantee you will not be disappointed. For more information on the range visit us at www.d5rangesmarengo.com. While your on the site take a look at some of the range pictures you will see some of the products we offer, stalls, retrievers, ventilation, backstops etc…
D5 Ranges Marengo
D5 Ranges Marengo is being built as a flag ship range with a little of everything. The range and store will have it all: Tactical ranges with 180 shooting, static ranges for shooting inside a booth, Live Fire Shoot House, one of the ranges will even be equipped with a ballistic door this will allow a mock police car access into the range for real life scenario training. The store will be filled to the brim with all the latest weapons
and ammo. To see more visit the website www.d5rangesmarengo.com.